MtronPTI provides the broadest portfolio of frequency control devices to global markets that demand technical and reliable solutions. Some MtronPTI’s frequency control products include packaged quartz crystals, quartz crystal based oscillators, low to high frequency clock oscillators, voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO), voltage-controlled SAW oscillators (VCSO), temperature-controlled crystal oscillators (TCXO), temperature/voltage-controlled crystal oscillators (VCTCXO), oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXO), digital output crystal oscillators (DOCXO), high precision crystal oscillators (HPXO) and filter (LC, crystal, and planar microwave) components. MtronPTI crystals and oscillators in stock now at Dove Electronic Components, Inc.
For more information regarding MtronPTI, call 1-800-232-9825